E n o t u r i s m o e n G u a n a j u a t o

Personas en viñedos

Discover the beauty and flavor of Guanajuato with our exciting wine tour. Immerse yourself in the local culture while enjoying the world-class wines the region has to offer. With more than 40 new wine projects, Guanajuato has become a popular destination for wine lovers as well as travelers looking for a unique experience. From visiting vineyards and wineries to attending festivals and tastings, our wine tourism tour will take you through some of the best places in the region. Discover the history and culture of Guanajuato while enjoying the excellent gastronomy and hospitality that the region has to offer. Join us on a once in a lifetime adventure and let Guanajuato make you fall in love with its beauty and flavor!

In addition to the larger, more established wineries, there are also small wine producers emerging in the Guanajuato region. These producers are bringing variety and diversity to the region's wine offerings, with high-quality, artisanal products that are beginning to attract the attention of wine lovers. Many of these small producers also offer more intimate and personalized wine tourism experiences, allowing visitors to get up close and personal with the winemaking process and taste unique and authentic products. Without a doubt, wine tourism in Guanajuato is constantly evolving and growing, offering more and more options and experiences for travelers seeking to discover the region's wine treasures.


enoturismo en gto

Within the tourism chain, there are various service providers that complement the traveler's experience, such as lodging, gastronomy, handicrafts and wellness providers. Lodging is one of the fundamental elements of tourism, since it allows tourists to rest and enjoy a comfortable and pleasant stay. Gastronomy is also a key component, as it allows travelers to learn about and experience the culture and culinary traditions of each destination. On the other hand, handicrafts are a form of cultural expression and an important economic activity in many tourist destinations, offering visitors the opportunity to take home a unique and authentic souvenir of the place they have visited. Finally, wellness has become an increasingly important factor in the tourism offer, with options ranging from spas and yoga centers to alternative therapies and meditation retreats. All these service providers add to the tourism chain to offer the traveler a complete and enriching experience.


This book is a journey, several journeys, condensed into hundreds of pages. It began a little less than a year ago and, like any initiation, it started with an incomplete, perhaps distorted, idea of what we would find. Years had passed since my previous visits to Guanajuato, while Nacho was much more assiduous, but neither of us expected any surprises: we already knew something of its vineyards.

Rodolfo Gerschman