C o n o c e l a R u t a d e l V i n o G u a n a j u a t o

M รก s d e 2 0 0 o p c i o n e s p o r d i s f r u t a r

Discover the history of wine in Mexico, taste unparalleled properties and live unique experiences in this great state.

With more than 200 options to enjoyincluding wine houses, lodging, gastronomy, wellness activities, cultural and event venuesYou will be able to integrate incredible experiences in your next trip. The best part? The route allows you to travel through vineyard fields in trips of less than 30 minutes.

Explore the beautiful World Heritage City of San Miguel de Allende and tour the Magical Towns of Dolores Hidalgo Cradle of National Independenceas well as Comonfort and San Diego de la Uniรณn.

Discover the historical memories of the vine in Guanajuato and carry with you the liquid memory of its history in each bottle.

The highest vineyards in Mexico with a terroir made up of volcanic rocks, clay and flows from the Bajรญo orchard give the wines of Guanajuato unique and unparalleled properties.

Don't miss the opportunity to to build your route and start discovering all the experiences designed in the exciting world of wine.

I n t e g r a e x p e r i e n c i a s i n c r e รญ b l e s e n t r a y e c t o s m e n o r e s d e 3 0 m i n u t o s

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D o l o r e s H i d a l g o C u n a d e l a I n d e p e n d e n c i a N a c i o n a l

In Dolores Hidalgo, every corner has a history and countless legends; in the neighboring haciendas and in the historic center, the sound of Cura Hidalgo's voice still seems to be heard when he gave the Cry of Independence, and in its streets always sound the songs of his prodigal son: Josรฉ Alfredo Jimรฉnez.

S a n M i g u e l d e A l l e n d e

The best city to live in Guanajuato is San Miguel de Allende. This World Heritage City stands out for its harmonious colonial, baroque and neo-gothic architecture, with its colorful cobblestone streets and colonial-style mansions, being one of the most beautiful towns in Mexico.

C o m o n f o r t

Comonfort is one of the 6 Magical Towns of Guanajuato, a destination where you will fall in love with its colonial treasures and its scenic landscape, know how the indigenous and the colonial are manifested in their religious celebrations and its great gastronomic legacy through
their traditional cooks.

S a n D i e g o d e l a U n i รณ n

San Diego de la Union, located in the northwest of the state and adjacent to San Luis Potosi, a place where you can not miss the opportunity to visit Peรฑa Alta, which is one of the protected natural areas of the state, to get there you must first go through the San Franco Dam, where you can practice Sport Fishing, where the only Sport Fishing Tournament in Guanajuato is held, take a boat and/or kayak trip, and increase your experience by launching yourself from the second longest zip line and the only one that crosses over a body of water in the State.

Segments you will find on the Wine Route



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