Non-Deliverable Forward NDF: Definition & Examples

N o n - D e l i v e r a b l e F o r w a r d N D F : D e f i n i t i o n & E x a m p l e s


Instead, they are settled in cash, based on the difference between the contracted exchange rate and the prevailing market rate at the time of settlement. This unique characteristic makes NDFs particularly attractive for traders looking to hedge currency risk or speculate on emerging market currencies. Beyond hedging currency risk, NDFs also present lucrative opportunities for speculative traders. Speculation involves taking calculated risks in the hopes of making profits from price movements. With NDFs, traders can capitalize on the fluctuations in exchange rates of different currency pairs. By analyzing market trends, daily charts, and utilizing historical and implied volatility indicators, traders can identify potential trading opportunities.

what is ndf

To conclude, NDF trading carries certain risks and considerations that traders need to be aware of. Counterparty risk, market volatility, and regulatory considerations are significant factors that can impact the outcome of NDF trades. By understanding and managing these risks effectively, traders can navigate the NDF market with confidence and make informed trading decisions. NDFs are primarily traded in emerging markets, which tend to exhibit higher levels of volatility compared to more established markets.


An example of an NDF could be a U.S. company entering into a contract to sell Indian rupees and buy U.S. dollars six months from now at a predetermined rate. The company might do this, expecting the rupee to depreciate against the dollar. Because NDFs are traded privately, they are part of the over-the-counter (OTC) market. It allows for more flexibility with terms, and because all terms must be agreed upon by both parties, the end result of an NDF is generally favorable to all.

  • They should have a user-friendly trading platform that offers real-time market data, advanced charting capabilities, and a wide range of currency pairs to choose from.
  • By trading NDFs, investors can gain exposure to the performance of emerging market currencies, diversifying their portfolios and potentially enhancing their returns.
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NDFs enable economic development and integration in countries with non-convertible or restricted currencies. They encourage trade and investment flows by allowing market participants to access these currencies in a forward market. Additionally, NDFs promote financial innovation and inclusion by offering new products and opportunities for financial intermediaries and end-users. The global financial industry is replete with corporations, investors, and traders seeking to hedge exposure to illiquid or restricted currencies.

Who uses NDF?

NDFs can be used to hedge against currency risk, speculate on the future direction of a currency, or help price currencies that are not freely traded. A Non-Deliverable Forward (NDF) is a derivative contract used primarily in the foreign exchange (forex) market. They are often used in countries with capital controls or where the currency is restricted to hedge against currency volatility. NDF stands for Non-Deliverable Forward, which is a derivative instrument used to trade currencies that are not freely convertible.

what is ndf

Technical analysis involves studying historical price movements and using indicators to identify potential trading opportunities. Fundamental analysis, on the other hand, focuses on economic data and news events that can impact currency prices. Keeping an eye on the economic calendar can help you stay informed about upcoming events that may affect the currencies you are trading. NDF contracts come in different sizes and tenors, offering flexibility to traders with varying risk appetites and investment horizons.

Foreign Exchange – Non-Deliverable Forwards

NDFs are committed short-term instruments; both counterparties are committed and are obliged to honor the deal. Nevertheless, either counterparty can cancel an existing contract by entering into another offsetting deal at the prevailing market rate. In Configuration Management Activity an NDF deal, two parties agree to swap currencies at a set rate on a later date, but they don’t actually exchange the currencies. This happens because those special currencies can’t be easily traded, so handing them over is hard or even impossible.

what is ndf

Imagine a company agreeing today on a future exchange rate for a currency with another party. When their agreement ends, they simply pay or receive money based on the difference between this agreed rate and the currency’s real rate at that time. The fixing date is the date at which the difference between the prevailing spot market rate and the agreed-upon rate is calculated. The settlement of an NDF is closer to that of a forward rate agreement (FRA) than to a traditional forward contract.

Risks Associated with NDF Trading

Instead, the difference between the agreed NDF rate and the prevailing spot rate at maturity is settled in cash, typically in a major currency like the USD. This cash settlement feature makes NDFs particularly useful for hedging exposure to currencies that face trading restrictions or are not easily accessible in international markets. In contrast, DFs are more suitable for entities that genuinely need the physical delivery of the currency, such as businesses involved in international trade or investments.

what is ndf

Look for brokers that are regulated by reputable financial authorities and have a solid track record in the industry. Reading reviews and seeking recommendations from other traders can also be helpful in finding a trustworthy broker. We introduce people to the world of trading currencies, both fiat and crypto, through our non-drowsy educational content and tools. We’re also a community of traders that support each other on our daily trading journey.

List Of NDF Currencies

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so the database can continue to grow. Note that the Investopedia article you cite is mistaken (no surprise, it’s a very bad source of information) in that you look at the spot rate on determination date, not on settlement date. The contract has FX delta and interest rate risk in pay and receive currencies until the maturity date.

what is ndf

While standard NDFs often come with a T+30 settlement period, B2Broker ensures clients can access settlements as CFD contracts on the subsequent business day. This streamlined approach mitigates client settlement risks and accelerates the entire process, guaranteeing efficiency and confidence in their transactions. NDFs allow counterparties to conclude currency exchanges in the short term. The settlement date, the agreed-upon date for the monetary settlement, is a crucial part of the NDF contract.

How are NDFs (non-deliverable forwards) priced

Tamta’s writing is both professional and relatable, ensuring her readers gain valuable insight and knowledge. Just write the bank account number and sign in the application form to authorise your bank to make payment in case of allotment. NDFs are primarily used in markets where the currency is not freely tradable or faces certain restrictions. CHFJPY currency pair can be expected to fall further toward the next support level 174.00, which reversed the price at the start of this month.

Tools & Features

Whether it’s a short-term uptick or a long-term trend, NDFs allow traders to speculate on the direction of a currency pair without the need for physical delivery. This flexibility makes NDFs an appealing option for those looking to capitalize on the dynamic nature of the foreign exchange market. One of the distinctive features of NDFs is the settlement date and calculation method. Unlike traditional currency trading, where physical delivery of the underlying currencies takes place, NDFs are cash-settled contracts. This means that on the settlement date, the difference between the agreed-upon exchange rate and the prevailing spot rate is settled in cash. The primary purpose of NDFs is to hedge against currency risk, especially in emerging markets where the local currency is subject to restrictions or is not freely traded on the global foreign exchange (forex) market.

Katerina Monroe
Katerina Monroe

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