P r o t a g o n i s t a s

From the Wine Route

Meet the people who are protagonists in the wine route of Guanajuato - Valle de la Independencia


Natalia López and Branko Pjanic, winemakers and owners of Garambullo Winery
Raúl Farías, director of Hacienda Santiago. He previously participated in the gestation of Viñedo San Miguel.
Federico Enríquez Camarillo, in charge of the vineyard at Cuna de Tierra.
Elías Torres, owner of Bodega Pájaro Azul.
Tiburcio Hernández Campos, agronomist at Cuna de Tierra.
Juan Manchón, winemaker at Vega Manchón and his own winery
Hugo Anzúrez, owner of the winery Casa Anza
Francisco Moreno, owner of Bodega El Paraíso.
Fabrizio Hernández, winemaker, and Roberto Guerrero, general manager, of Bodega Tres Raíces.
Josefa Jonguitud, owner of Puente Josefa, a sensitive approach to wine tourism.
Ximena Seoane, general manager of Bodega San José Lavista.
Ricardo Luna, young chef at Cuna de Tierra
Ulises Ruiz Jr., with Ulises Sr. "Los Arcángeles".
Horacio Reiner, consultant winemaker for several Guanajuato wineries such as Casa Anza and Epicurus.
Waiters and sommelier at Viñedos San Miguel's restaurant.
Jorge Solís, general manager of Viñedo San Miguel.