Valle de la Independencia Experience, is the perfect accompaniment for you to live the greatest experiences in the Cradle of National Independence, invites you to discover the Legacy of the Priest Miguel Hidalgo, the walks of his Son of the People and the Magic of its people, embodied in their crafts and crafts centenarians, you can experience the bohemian with songs of Jose Alfredo Jimenez, tasting from a tequila, a Snow and the Traditional Food with its Ceremonial Tortilla, as well as live the experience of creating your own handicrafts in Mayolica.



V a l l e d e l a I n d e p e n d e n c i a E x p e r i e n c e

Dolores Hidalgo Cradle of National Independence

This route is perfect for those who love
wine, where you will have the opportunity to
discover the peculiarities of the "terroir".
guanajuatense and to taste great wines.
quality, with unique aromas and flavors, which
are already receiving international awards.


San Miguel de Allende

D e s c u b r e l a g r a n d e z a d e A t o t o n i l c o

Discover the greatness of Atotonilco!
This tour will allow you to learn about
why Atotonilco was named a World Heritage Site
Cultural Heritage of Humanity.